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ELL Department Vision Statement

We envision ALL students to:

  • be active, contributing, and responsible members of society
  • be proud of their cultural heritage and multiple language abilities
  • coexist competently in their native culture and in the American culture
  • respect and value themselves and others around them
  • be life-long learners

ELL Department Mission Statement

We exist to:

  • support ALL students in their learning to be successful inside and outside of school
  • ensure that ALL students are valued, respected, and treated fairly at Edison High School
  • assist ALL students in building their knowledge of English together with their knowledge in math, science, social studies, language arts and other areas of study
  • assist ALL students in growing the essential reading, writing, speaking, and listening skills to thrive in their classes and in future opportunities
  • guarantee that ALL students have an equal opportunity for a high-quality education that prepares them for multiple options beyond high school

Course Catalog for ELL Classes
